
Grief: keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; sharp sorrow; painful regret.

We all have a time in our lives when we grieve over something or someone. Whether it’s a pet or someone really close to you we all go through it. Grief doesn’t necessarily mean death. You can grieve over anything. Maybe your pet ran away and you can’t seem to find them. Don’t grieve, put together a search party. Pets always know where home is they’ll come back. Don’t grieve, don’t give up. You can grieve over someone who is alive yet they’re distancing themselves or maybe choosing a bad habit over you. Maybe you know someone who has chosen drugs and made them their top priority. Help them. Don’t walk out. They need you. Just like you need them. Don’t grieve, help. Maybe someone chose to be with someone else and left you. Don’t grieve, move on. There’s always someone better, someone you deserve and someone who will treat you better.

In the situation of death, the grief is different. Whether you knew about it and were just anticipating it to happen or if it was something that happens suddenly, it hurts. When it happens suddenly that’s when it hurts the worst but you will get through it. You might not get past it especially if they weren’t helped when they knew something was wrong and were asking for help. Yes, the grief will last a while. Will it last forever? No. Will it get better? If you don’t dwell on it, yes. Will it get easier? Of course. We all learn to live and move on. Of course you’ll have those days where one day is worse than the other but you’ll get through it. You will be okay. It will get easier to push forward. Find someone who will be there for you and lend you their shoulder to cry on. It hurts, but it will be okay. Grief is something that hurts for a while then it passes. You will always have the memories. So chin up! Think of all the happy times. That is what will help you get through it most of all. You will see them again! Promise!

Walk on with hope in your heart and you’ll never walk alone.

Rodgers and Hammerstein Carousel

You’re Not Alone

Do you ever feel down? Lost? Alone? I’m here to tell you, you’re not alone. If you or someone you know is going through a rough time or having negative thoughts don’t be afraid to say something. If you ever feel like you’re alone, you’re not. There’s millions of people who feel the same exact way as you. Millions. Reach out to someone. Find a support group. There’s plenty out there. Don’t be afraid, reach out to someone who could save your life. Reach out to someone who needs saving. Don’t let depression get you down, don’t let it be the reason your life ends. You only have one life to live so live it the best way. Go fulfill your bucket list. Go sky diving. Go bungee jumping, rock climbing, kayaking. Go audition for American Idol. You can do literally anything you want. No where does it say depression should keep you in the house all day. Go have fun! Fulfill your wildest dreams. You deserve to be happy.

Don’t ever feel like you have to fight your battle alone. Reach out. Kick out the negative, keep the positive. You are better than that. YOU ARE WORTH IT! Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise. If they do, you don’t need them. If they don’t support and uplift you in your battle, find someone who will and understands. Make changes and move on. In the end, it’ll all be okay. Stay positive!

You’re perfect. You deserve it. You’re worth it.


The Story of us

We were working at IHOP together when I met him and I had known him for a good while after working there. His name is Jayson. I had just gotten out of a relationship and he just randomly asked me for my number and I gave it to him. So naturally we just started talking. Things moved pretty fast for us. Including our daughter. No, she wasn’t planned. NEVER a mistake. She was our little surprise. The end of 2014 is when we found out about her. I knew something was off so I went to get checked and sure enough I had a positive pregnancy test. Was I happy? Yes. Was I scared? Of course. My pregnancy with her was healthy with no complications. I couldn’t complain. I craved chicken, SO MUCH CHICKEN! Then August 2015 came around, her due date. Every day in August I was impatiently awaiting her arrival. August 17, 11pm I had what I thought could’ve been a contraction. 11:05pm the same thing happened again. I thought “no her due date is next week this is just Braxton hicks. I’ll be fine.” 11:10pm, another one. This time I thought “maybe it is time.” 11:15pm, another one annnnnd my water broke. That’s when I knew it was time to stop doubting. So we head to the hospital and sure enough they confirmed my water had broke. About 13 hours and 17 min later I had a beautiful, healthy 6 pound 7 oz baby girl in my hands. I had her all natural, no epidural, no pain meds. I was scared of the epidural. The only one in the delivery room with me was Jayson and all through my pregnancy I said he was the only one I wanted there. No problem in that right?

Fast forward to September 2017. My grandparents watched Lilly while Jayson and I went to Washington DC. We had fun there and seen all kinds of cool things. Then it was our last full day there and we went to the cathedral for one of our last things to see. Next thing I know he’s proposing! I’ll admit I didn’t know what to do or how to act. He didn’t do the one knee thing but he had the ring that’s how I knew. And he didn’t ask “will you marry me?” No, he said, “can I keep you forever?” I thought that was so sweet. But I was frozen. Finally I said yes! We have yet to get married, I think wedding planning scares us both! But we’ll get there. Yes we are still happy. We talk about it a lot. Just taking it day by day. Enjoying the small things.

Life Is what happens while you’re busy making plans. -Allen Saunders